Dan & Jennifer Lier share the parallels for success in Business and in Love. As a business professional, entrepreneur or business owner, people will do what's necessary to improve their skills to be successful in Biz. What if we utilized the same success principles in business in our intimate relationships? We will show you how we did it!
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Episode #15: Communication vs Expectation
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Episode #15: Communication vs. Expectation
- We live by and it can be applied to EVERYTHING in your relationship… from taking out the garbage to sex.
- Expectation leads to disappointment.
- Communication is the Key.
- SEX: Life Situations
- Can we be intimate without sex?
- rather than having an expectation that the other cannot meet.
- By the way… MEN are not MIND READERS. If you need help, you need to ask for it..
Action Strategies:
- Because none of us are mind readers… if you need help, ask for it.
- Every relationship has expectations… , which leads to letdowns… so the ACTION is to understand the MUST to Communicate when something that he or she typically does is not getting done.
- Should to the MUST.
New Podcast Available Every Sunday Morning at 8am PST
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Episode #14: How to Repair an Upset and Get Back to Love
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Episode #14: How to Repair an upset and get back to Love
- Every relationship has upsets… it’s part of the game
- The Real question is… how do we get back to love?
Our Story…. saying something inappropriate and hurtful…
Action Strategies:
- Realize that no matter how in love you are…. there WILL ALWAYS be misunderstanding, miscommunication and issues.
- There is no way to have challenge free unless you are dominating someone… psychology
- Commit to communicating and repair immediately after the incident if possible…
- Language from the victim
- Language from …. Dan
- What to do when it gets heated.
New Episode Every Sunday at 8am PST
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #13 Money, Motives and Marriage
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #13: Money, Motives & Marriage
- Must talk about Money
- Business - wouldn’t go into a partnership without talking about finances
- Men - Often times set the table for failure / create unsustainable expectations.
- How I did it. - WE discussed it. My wound with previous wife provided the fuel to talk about it
Action Strategies
- Men - Get Over it. Don’t know how to say it to a woman? Here you go … “I’m so excited to partner with you/build my life with you … AND, I want to make sure we have a life we desire for the rest of our lives, not just next week.
- Because frame….
- 3rd party story…
- Make an agreed upon plan and stick to it. Just like a budget for biz…
- Hotel Del… half the $$... rich experience
- If he or her REFUSES to align… must make a decision.
- We will have an entire episode on HOW to give “feedback” in a manner that makes them feel good rather than feel like a failure. I mean who wants to feel like a failure.
Please subscribe, like and share.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #12: The Fight Game
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #12: “The Fight Game”
- Relationships are about 2 ppl living a life together - different backgrounds & beliefs
- There will be arguments…
- It’s more than communication styles
- People are brought up differently…
- Personality Styles
- Combat Factor
- Do you want to be right or want to be happy?
- Just because your mom and dad did it, doesn’t make it GOOD/Right!!
Action Strategies
- Don’t sweat the small stuff… Impact
- Talk as things come up
- Creating Safe Space… Checking in with partner… Is there anything on your mind?
- Label: Distinguish between Behavior vs YOU. Also utilizing "I Feel" vs… "YOU ARE"
- Find Sports Coach Role Model. A person you respect and can model demeanor, behavior or poise.
Please Subscribe, Like & Share. New podcast every Sunday morning at 8am PST.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #11: Setting the Bar and Keeping the Relationship Fresh
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #11: Setting the Bar, and Keeping the Relationship Fresh
- How do you want to be treated?
- Treating your partner like they are important.
- For me (Dan)... I wanted my woman/my wife to feel cherished, to feel safe and to know, I’m consistent.
- Opening Door in car
- Checking in with you.
- Calling just to say I Love You… or I Miss You.
- Hug and hold her.
Action Strategies:
- Psychology: You don’t have to wait for a new relationship to start to change your behavior. Do it NOW
2. If you were dating him or her, what’s ONE thing you would be doing, that you are not right now. (Opening door, planning a dinner, weekend plans, couple getaway) JUST ONE PLEASE
3. Share with your partner. And here’s how: Hey Jennifer, I was doing some self-reflection and looking at our relationship… and there’s some things that I want to do or changes I'd like to make… yet I just slipped. So, I can just keep slipping, or work on making improvements… so I want to make improvements because I love you and I feel it will improve our relationship.
Please Subscribe, Like & Share. New Podcast EVERY Sunday at 8am PST.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #10 Understanding Your Partner's Personality Style
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #10: Understanding Your Partner's Personality Style
Companies utilize assessments and reports to identify personality styles for leaders best communicate with their people. As a leader, your job to to get the MOST from your business partner or your employees. The DISC is a report we've had Dr. Tony Alessandra redesign for relationships.
This podcast outlines the four personality styles and provides tools to improve communication and influence.
Personality Style #1: Race Car Driver
- Competitive
- Aggressive
- Fast Paced
- Makes Quick Decisions
- Wants the Short Story
- Priority: WiNNING
Personality Style #2: Entertainer
- Outgoing
- Expressive
- Dramatic
- Fast Paced
- Big Gestures
- Friendly
- Priority - People
Personality Style #3: School Teacher
- Steady
- Team Player
- Supportive
- "Behind the Camera" person
- Loyal
- Slower Paced
- Slower Decisions
- Priority - Relationships
Personality Style #4: The Professor
- Reserved
- Detailed
- Accurate
- Accountable
- Slower Paced
- Priority - TASK completion
Remember to Subscribe and Share. New Podcast EVERY Sunday morning at 8am PST.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #9 - The Small Stuff Doesn't Matter
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #9 - The Small Stuff Doesn't Matter
If we were running a business and Looking at the Long Term Strategy with a business partner, we would overlook simple things as long as they're doing a great job and your business is growing. Yet often times in relationships, we get stuck on little things that we wouldn't matter if it were a business partner.
Strategies for Happiness:
- Being Ok with others idiosyncrasies
- We are pre-wired…
- If already married… how did that turn out? Must be open to making changes to improve, just like you would in business.
- Just because it’s the way you do it, doesn’t make it right.
Action Items:
How to not let it bother you…
- Must think like a business partner. If you know they are talented and you want to keep them as a partner, focus on why you “brought them on” or “fell in love” rather than focusing on what they should be better at… because that’s not why you hired them (married them) -
- Image of life without them… really though.
- Questions - the power of questions.
Remember to Subscribe and Share. New Podcast EVERY Sunday at 8am PST.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #8: Successfully Negotiating the “in-Law” and “In-Family” Relationship(s)
When couples get together... also comes the "in-laws" or "In Family" Relationships. For instance, Jennifer's family Lebanese and they get together "every week" (exaggeration)... and my family sees each other once per year. How do we negotiate this landscape respectfully?
Potential Challenges:
- Expectations on visiting (local vs out of town),
- Family Value differences - “Family” vs. “not much”
- Meddling “in Laws”
- Can do no wrong - Dan’s mom
New Marriage or Relationship - In Laws… Certain Expectations (Potential)
Action Steps
- As we discussed with kids, your partner MUST come first.
- See how it unfolds… stay open minded (Gathering Info) - GOAL… you both are happy!
- You MUST Communicate: It’s OKAY to be honest. (unless you’re a dick) You must tell your partner how you feel and why.
- You and your partner MUST be open to a conversation about the situation if necessary, just like you would in business
- Find a happy meeting point: In GOOD FAITH. It’s not about getting the best deal. It’s about finding a solution where you both feel good about it.
Remember to Subscribe and Share. New Podcast every Sunday morning at 8am PST.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #7: Game Changing Strategies for Step Parenting
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #7: Game Changing Strategies for Step Parenting
Step parenting is a SKILL on it's own. The challenge is, creating a successful situation for the step parent will depend on the spouse who is the biological parent and their willingness to play the long game.
Potential Challenges:
- Guilt from divorce
- Letting kids come first
- Weak Partner
- Short Term Thinking
Take Aways:
- Partner comes first – Must feel #1
- Influence from the X
- Step Partner… must Rise Above
- Kardashian vs Waltons
Remember to Subscribe and Share. New Podcast available every Sunday morning at 8am PST.
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Episode #6: The X's and O's of Dating someone with an "X"
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
The Business of Love
It's a fact that business professionals and entrepreneurs realize they must improve in areas where they lack skill or proficiency. It's not even a question... if you want to succeed in business, you must be open to learning, growing and communicating.
As entrepreneurs, it's our belief that if WE would put the same effort into a relationship, the relationship would grow as well. In this podcast, we parallel the similarities between what it takes to create a passionate and successful relationships based on our business strategies.
Episode #6: The X’s and O’s of Marrying Partner with an X or connection:
When Jennifer and I started seeing each other, she was in the midst of unwinding a serious relationship with financial involvement and many other challenges. I was previously married with two children and that was just the tip of the iceberg.
We had a Strategy:
- The "Coming Out"
- Jennifer meeting my ex-wife
- My existence with my wife's new husband and Jennifer's existence with my x-wife
- Jennifer's x-boyfriend
Action Strategies:
- Create Strategy much like a business
- Create Real Agreements... much like a business.
- Work Together as if you were business partners to resolve situations.
Remember to Subscribe and Share. New Podcast EVERY Sunday at 8am PST